Thursday, January 2, 2014

Nigella Lawson’s Husband Photographed Choking Her In Public

A series of appalling photos started circulating on the Internet last night that appear to show Nigella Lawson being assaulted by her husband in public while they were eating at a fashionable London restaurant.

The TV host and cooking celebrity was with her husband, multimillionaire Charles Saatchi, sitting outside at Scott’s restaurant in Mayfair, London, when photos show him grabbing her by the throat with first his left hand, then both hands. According to the Daily Mirror, the restaurant refused to comment, but the attack could be seen by other diners and people passing the restaurant outside.

“It was utterly shocking to watch,” said one onlooker. “I have no doubt she was scared. It was horrific, ­really. She was very tearful and was ­constantly dabbing her eyes.”

Although at least one onlooker talked to the press about being horrified by the incident, nobody said or did anything more than gasp while it was going on.

Saatchi is reported to have stormed away from the table and left the restaurant, after which Lawson left in tears, being photographed the entire way back to the car.

A spokesperson from Scotland Yard said that the police were aware of the photos, and that Lawson had not filed a complaint but that “Enquires are in hand to establish the facts of the incident.”

Neither Saatchi or Lawson has commented on the incident or the photos, but The Daily Mail reports that Lawson was photographed leaving their home with her teenage son, Bruno, and a suitcase this morning.

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